HMS System

New Hospital Management System

ASIS Hospital Management systems are in high demand to handle increasing population needs and also aids the practicing doctors and hospital service and support staff with timely service and precision. There are varied metrics available to assess the performance of services like hospital industry, and the successful implementation and usage of Hospital information system forms a crucial role. Hospital information systems are available in the software market which in most cases needs to be customized and in some cases needs to be developed as a customized software based on specific hospital requirements (user requirements)

  • Dashboard

    Provide a real time action report of all Patients and staff on duty. Available and occupied rooms, number of beds and room details .. etc.

  • Accounting:

    It is a systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information. It reveals profit or loss for a given period, and the value and nature of a firm's assets, liabilities and owners' equity.

  • Purchasing:

    The major objectives of purchasing are to maintain the quality and value of a company's products, minimize cash tied-up in inventory, maintain the flow of inputs to maintain the flow of outputs, and strengthen the organization's competitive position.

  • Inventory:

    Inventory management is a discipline primarily about specifying the shape and placement of stocked goods

  • Fixed Assets:

    Fixed Asset Management is an accounting process that seeks to track fixed assets for the purposes of financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and theft deterrence

  • Reporting:

    A process of providing information to various levels of management so as to enable in judging the effectiveness of their responsibility centres and become a base for taking corrective measures if necessary

ASIS Solutions

Facilitate the work at all levels

One of the most important needs for the institutional work that we provide in Slnee is the electronic archiving system, which converts all paper transactions into electronic transactions that facilitate the movement of transactions in accuracy, speed and security, compared to traditional slow paper transactions. The system also contains a special program to archive important and confidential documents, and a program to follow the movement of employees and traffic within the system, which ensures high control. It can also export transactions electronically, view transaction reports, manage users and manage their permission, and manage employee disruptions and delegation in a simple, easy and convenient manner.

The transactions generated by the internal entities are also recorded and it follows the referral, query and export movements of those transactions until they are terminated, whether by saving, withdrawing or rejecting.

The system also provides a range of queries, reports and statistics that help to accelerate, facilitate and follow up the completion of work at all levels.